Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rouge- Consumer Fraud, Fraudlent web sites, Warning, Warning.

-- from the webmaster--
first it was "spyware", then " viruses / trojans " that pop up from ads on Google, Yahoo, MSn and the lists goes on. now a new form of attacks on legitimate website and companies from disgrunted employees, extortionists and the list goes on..

Rogue Websites

What are roque sites? well Let Us tell ya, we have seen it all, since 1997, yes the AOL days, lol.

these Viral, not good viral Sites that are payed by "consumer, disgruntled employees, consumer fraud, ex-cons, website hackers, negative reviewers pay per clickers and the list goes on.
Post fraudulent reviews from competitors mostly.

basically its consumer fraud, and should be stopped, but so many networking sites pop up, its pretty impossible not to see negative reviews for any type of company, wheter they are false or not!

Most likely these "newer sites" thave have been created with the last 5 years or even recently have no merit on reviewing sites, because sites, such as our web site has been up since the fist day of the internet, 1997. yes, it was AOL dial up days, lol.

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